Herbert Rocha
Architect and City Planner graduated from UFC on 1990. Founder of Arion Aquitetura e Consultoria Ltda. Honorable Mention at the Opera Prima national tournament – 1990, São Paulo – SP. Specialization Course in Construction Project Management from UNIFOR (2014). Masters in Architecture and City Planning and Design from UFC (2017). Professor at the Architecture and City Planning Course, Universitary Center INTA since 2014 and from Universitary Center 7 de Setembro UNI7 since 2019. Author of the book “O Lado Esquerdo do Rio” (The Left Side of the River) and member of the Sobral Academy of Studies and Letters. Public Relations from Grendene since 2005.
Gruaduated in Company Management by UVA (Vale do Acaraú State University) in 2008 and specialized in Public Management by FIC (Integrated Faculty of Ceará) in 2011. Manager at Aurion Arquitetura on the management section since March 2011.
Rosiane Alves Aguiar
Technological Graduation in Human Resources by UVA (Vale do Acaraú State University) and Human Resources Analyst at Aurion Arquitetura since May 2010.